How it works

On, follow the below instructions to get to the booking and payment page.

  • Search for the hotel, lodge os safari camp of your choice at
  • Select the hotel of your choice from the results.
  • Select the “Book Now” Button to make a booking
  • Fill in the required information.
  • After filling in the required information, go the section “How would you like to pay” to select a payment option.

There are two ways to pay for your bookings on

Pay on Arrival.

Pay Now (Prepay for booking).

Pay on Arrival
Selecting this option means that your reservation would be made at the hotel, and you would have to pay on arrival at the hotel.
Pay Now
Selecting this option means that your reservation would be made at the hotel, and you would also be able to pay for your reservation before the day of arrival at the hotel.
On selecting this option, A tabbed box would be revealed below the selection, where you would find various options for Prepayment.
Select one of the options to reveal various options of payment.
Follow the instructions in the box for the selected option to Proceed to their respective payment portals.